Release Notes: GraSPy 0.0.3

We're happy to announce the release of GraSPy 0.0.3! GraSPy is a Python package for understanding the properties of random graphs that arise from modern datasets, such as social networks and brain networks.

For more information, please visit our website and our tutorials.


This release is the result of over 2 months of work with over 16 pull requests by 4 contributors. Highlights include:

  • Optimization over covariance structures when using GaussianCluster

  • Standardized sorting for visualizing graphs when using heatmap or gridplot

  • Graph model classes for fitting several random graph models to input datasets

  • Improved customization for heatmaps and gridplots


  • Added badges to Github for arxiv paper and number of downloads

  • Remove author headers for individual source files

  • Fix bugs in documentation

  • Bug fix for calculating intersection of largest connected components between graphs

  • Pre-defined axes can be passed to heatmap for making subplot figures

  • Colormap objects and color bounds can be passed to heatmap directly

API Changes

  • SemiparametricTest was renamed to LatentPositionTest

  • NonparametricTest was renamed to LatentDistributionTest

  • heatmap and gridplot accept hier_label_fontsize and title_pad kwargs


  • The notebooks folder was removed from GraSPy

  • SemiparametricTest and NonparametricTest renamed (see above)

Contributors to this release