In addition to the main library, there is also a CLI runnable module for automatically generating layouts for graphs in an edge list.

You can run this from the command line like so:

python -m graspologic.layouts --help

Which should return something like:

usage: python -m graspologic.layouts [-h] [--verbose VERBOSE] {n2vumap,n2vtsne,render} ...

Runnable module that automatically generates a layout of a graph by a provided edge list

positional arguments:
    n2vumap             Auto layout using UMAP for dimensionality reduction
    n2vtsne             Auto layout using tSNE for dimensionality reduction
    render              Renders a graph via an input file

Of those commands, you can then do:

python -m graspologic.layouts n2vumap --help

Which will return something like:

usage: python -m graspologic.layouts n2vumap [-h] --edge_list EDGE_LIST [--skip_header] [--image_file IMAGE_FILE] [--location_file LOCATION_FILE] [--max_edges MAX_EDGES] [--dpi DPI]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --edge_list EDGE_LIST
                        edge list in csv file. must be source,target,weight.
  --skip_header         skip first line in csv file, corresponding to header.
  --image_file IMAGE_FILE
                        output path and filename for generated image file. required if --location_file is omitted.
  --location_file LOCATION_FILE
                        output path and filename for location file. required if --image_file is omitted.
  --max_edges MAX_EDGES
                        maximum edges to keep during embedding. edges with low weights will be pruned to keep at most this many edges
  --dpi DPI             used with --image_file to render an image at this dpi
  --allow_overlaps      skip the no overlap algorithm and let nodes stack as per the results of the down projection algorithm