from typing import Optional
import numba as nb
import numpy as np
from beartype import beartype
from scipy.sparse import csr_array, lil_matrix
from sklearn.utils import check_scalar
from graspologic.preconditions import check_argument
from graspologic.types import AdjacencyMatrix, Tuple
from graspologic.utils import import_graph, is_loopless, is_symmetric, is_unweighted
# Code based on:
class EdgeSwapper:
Degree Preserving Edge Swaps
This class allows for performing degree preserving edge swaps to
generate new networks with the same degree sequence as the input network.
adjacency : np.ndarray OR csr_array, shape (n_verts, n_verts)
The initial adjacency matrix to perform edge swaps on. Must be unweighted and undirected.
edge_list : np.ndarray, shape (n_verts, 2)
The corresponding edgelist for the input network
seed: int, optional
Random seed to make outputs reproducible, must be positive
.. [1] Fosdick, B. K., Larremore, D. B., Nishimura, J., & Ugander, J. (2018).
Configuring random graph models with fixed degree sequences.
Siam Review, 60(2), 315-355.
.. [2] Carstens, C. J., & Horadam, K. J. (2017).
Switching edges to randomize networks: what goes wrong and how to fix it.
Journal of Complex Networks, 5(3), 337-351.
.. [3]
def __init__(self, adjacency: AdjacencyMatrix, seed: Optional[int] = None):
weight_check = is_unweighted(adjacency)
check_argument(weight_check, "adjacency must be unweighted")
loop_check = is_loopless(adjacency)
check_argument(loop_check, "adjacency cannot have loops")
direct_check = is_symmetric(adjacency)
check_argument(direct_check, "adjacency must be undirected")
max_seed = np.iinfo(np.uint32).max
if seed is None:
seed = np.random.randint(max_seed, dtype=np.int64)
seed = check_scalar(
seed, "seed", (int, np.integer), min_val=0, max_val=max_seed
self._rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
adjacency = import_graph(adjacency, copy=True)
if isinstance(adjacency, csr_array):
# more efficient for manipulations which change sparsity structure
adjacency = lil_matrix(adjacency)
self._edge_swap_function = _edge_swap
# for numpy input, use numba for JIT compilation
# NOTE: not convinced numba is helping much here, look into optimizing
self._edge_swap_function = _edge_swap_numba
self.adjacency = adjacency
edge_list = self._do_setup()
check_argument(len(edge_list) >= 2, "there must be at least 2 edges")
self.edge_list = edge_list
def _do_setup(self) -> np.ndarray:
Computes the edge_list from the adjancency matrix
edge_list : np.ndarray, shape (n_verts, 2)
The corresponding edge_list of adjacency
# get edges for upper triangle of undirected graph
row_inds, col_inds = np.nonzero(self.adjacency)
upper = row_inds < col_inds
row_inds = row_inds[upper]
col_inds = col_inds[upper]
edge_list = np.stack((row_inds, col_inds)).T
return edge_list
def swap_edges(self, n_swaps: int = 1) -> Tuple[AdjacencyMatrix, np.ndarray]:
Performs a number of edge swaps on the graph
n_swaps : int (default 1), optional
The number of edge swaps to be performed
adjacency : np.ndarray OR csr.matrix, shape (n_verts, n_verts)
The adjancency matrix after a number of edge swaps are performed on the graph
edge_list : np.ndarray (n_verts, 2)
The edge_list after a number of edge swaps are perfomed on the graph
# Note: for some reason could not get reproducibility w/o setting seed
# inside of the _edge_swap_function itself
max_seed = np.iinfo(np.int32).max
for _ in range(n_swaps):
self.adjacency, self.edge_list = self._edge_swap_function(
adjacency = self.adjacency
if isinstance(adjacency, lil_matrix):
adjacency = csr_array(adjacency)
adjacency = adjacency.copy()
return adjacency, self.edge_list.copy()
def _edge_swap(
adjacency: AdjacencyMatrix, edge_list: np.ndarray, seed: Optional[int] = None
) -> Tuple[AdjacencyMatrix, np.ndarray]:
Performs the edge swap on the adjacency matrix. If adjacency is
np.ndarray, then nopython=True is used in numba, but if adjacency
is csr_array, then forceobj=True is used in numba
adjacency : np.ndarray OR csr_array, shape (n_verts, n_verts)
The initial adjacency matrix in which edge swaps are performed on it
edge_list : np.ndarray, shape (n_verts, 2)
The corresponding edge_list of adjacency
seed: int, optional
Random seed to make outputs reproducible, must be positive
adjacency : np.ndarray OR csr_array, shape (n_verts, n_verts)
The adjancency matrix after an edge swap is performed on the graph
edge_list : np.ndarray (n_verts, 2)
The edge_list after an edge swap is perfomed on the graph
# need to use np.random here instead of the generator for numba compatibility
if seed is not None:
# choose two indices at random
# NOTE: using np.random here for current numba compatibility
orig_inds = np.random.choice(len(edge_list), size=2, replace=False)
u, v = edge_list[orig_inds[0]]
# two types of swap orientations for undirected graph
if np.random.rand() < 0.5:
x, y = edge_list[orig_inds[1]]
y, x = edge_list[orig_inds[1]]
# ensures no initial loops
if u == v or x == y:
return adjacency, edge_list
# ensures no loops after swap (must be swap on 4 distinct nodes)
if u == x or v == y:
return adjacency, edge_list
# save edge values
w_ux = adjacency[u, x]
w_vy = adjacency[v, y]
# ensures no multigraphs after swap
if w_ux >= 1 or w_vy >= 1:
return adjacency, edge_list
# perform the swap
adjacency[u, v] = 0
adjacency[v, u] = 0
adjacency[x, y] = 0
adjacency[y, x] = 0
adjacency[u, x] = 1
adjacency[x, u] = 1
adjacency[v, y] = 1
adjacency[y, v] = 1
# update edge list
edge_list[orig_inds[0]] = [u, x]
edge_list[orig_inds[1]] = [v, y]
return adjacency, edge_list
_edge_swap_numba = nb.jit(_edge_swap, nopython=False)