Source code for graspologic.embed.omni

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation and contributors.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

import warnings
from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy as np
from beartype import beartype
from scipy.sparse import csr_array, hstack, isspmatrix_csr, vstack

from graspologic.types import List

from ..types import AdjacencyMatrix, GraphRepresentation
from ..utils import average_matrices, is_fully_connected, to_laplacian
from .base import BaseEmbedMulti
from .svd import SvdAlgorithmType

def _get_omnibus_matrix_sparse(matrices: List[csr_array]) -> csr_array:
    Generate the omnibus matrix from a list of sparse adjacency matrices as described by 'A central limit theorem
    for an omnibus embedding of random dot product graphs.'

    Given an iterable of matrices a, b, ... n then the omnibus matrix is defined as::

        [[           a, .5 * (a + b), ..., .5 * (a + n)],
         [.5 * (b + a),            b, ..., .5 * (b + n)],
         [         ...,          ..., ...,          ...],
         [.5 * (n + a),  .5 * (n + b, ...,            n]

    rows = []

    # Iterate over each column
    for column_index, column_matrix in enumerate(matrices):
        current_row = []

        for row_index, row_matrix in enumerate(matrices):
            if row_index == column_index:
                # we are on the diagonal, we do not need to perform any calculation and instead add the current matrix
                # to the current_row
                # otherwise we are not on the diagonal and we average the current_matrix with the matrix at row_index
                # and add that to our current_row
                matrices_averaged = (column_matrix + row_matrix) * 0.5

        # an entire row has been generated, we will create a horizontal stack of each matrix in the row completing the
        # row

    return csr_array(vstack(rows, format="csr"))

def _get_laplacian_matrices(
    graphs: Union[np.ndarray, List[GraphRepresentation]],
) -> Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]:
    Helper function to convert graph adjacency matrices to graph Laplacian

    graphs : list
        List of array-like with shapes (n_vertices, n_vertices).

    out : list
        List of array-like with shapes (n_vertices, n_vertices).
    out: Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]
    if isinstance(graphs, list):
        out = [to_laplacian(g) for g in graphs]
    elif isinstance(graphs, np.ndarray):
        # Copying is necessary to not overwrite input array
        out = np.array([to_laplacian(graphs[i]) for i in range(len(graphs))])

    return out

def _get_omni_matrix(
    graphs: Union[AdjacencyMatrix, List[AdjacencyMatrix]],
) -> np.ndarray:
    Helper function for creating the omnibus matrix.

    graphs : list
        List of array-like with shapes (n_vertices, n_vertices).

    out : 2d-array
        Array of shape (n_vertices * n_graphs, n_vertices * n_graphs)
    if isinstance(graphs[0], csr_array):
        return _get_omnibus_matrix_sparse(graphs)  # type: ignore

    shape = graphs[0].shape
    n = shape[0]  # number of vertices
    m = len(graphs)  # number of graphs

    A = np.array(graphs, copy=False, ndmin=3)

    # Do some numpy broadcasting magic.
    # We do sum in 4d arrays and reduce to 2d array.
    # Super fast and efficient
    out = (A[:, :, None, :] + A.transpose(1, 0, 2)[None, :, :, :]).reshape(n * m, -1)

    # Averaging
    out /= 2

    return out

[docs] class OmnibusEmbed(BaseEmbedMulti): r""" Omnibus embedding of arbitrary number of input graphs with matched vertex sets. Given :math:`A_1, A_2, ..., A_m` a collection of (possibly weighted) adjacency matrices of a collection :math:`m` undirected graphs with matched vertices. Then the :math:`(mn \times mn)` omnibus matrix, :math:`M`, has the subgraph where :math:`M_{ij} = \frac{1}{2}(A_i + A_j)`. The omnibus matrix is then embedded using adjacency spectral embedding. Read more in the `Omnibus Embedding for Multiple Graphs Tutorial <>`_ Parameters ---------- n_components : int or None, default = None Desired dimensionality of output data. If "full", ``n_components`` must be ``<= min(X.shape)``. Otherwise, ``n_components`` must be ``< min(X.shape)``. If None, then optimal dimensions will be chosen by :func:`~graspologic.embed.select_dimension` using ``n_elbows`` argument. n_elbows : int, optional, default: 2 If ``n_components`` is None, then compute the optimal embedding dimension using :func:`~graspologic.embed.select_dimension`. Otherwise, ignored. algorithm : {'randomized' (default), 'full', 'truncated'}, optional SVD solver to use: - 'randomized' Computes randomized svd using :func:`sklearn.utils.extmath.randomized_svd` - 'full' Computes full svd using :func:`scipy.linalg.svd` - 'truncated' Computes truncated svd using :func:`scipy.sparse.linalg.svds` n_iter : int, optional (default = 5) Number of iterations for randomized SVD solver. Not used by 'full' or 'truncated'. The default is larger than the default in randomized_svd to handle sparse matrices that may have large slowly decaying spectrum. check_lcc : bool , optional (defult = True) Whether to check if the average of all input graphs are connected. May result in non-optimal results if the average graph is unconnected. If True and average graph is unconnected, a UserWarning is thrown. diag_aug : bool, optional (default = True) Whether to replace the main diagonal of each adjacency matrices with a vector corresponding to the degree (or sum of edge weights for a weighted network) before embedding. concat : bool, optional (default = False) If graph(s) are directed, whether to concatenate each graph's left and right (out and in) latent positions along axis 1. svd_seed : int or None (default = ``None``) Only applicable for ``algorithm="randomized"``; allows you to seed the randomized svd solver for deterministic, albeit pseudo-randomized behavior. lse : bool, optional (default = False) Whether to construct the Omni matrix use the laplacian matrices of the graphs and embed the Omni matrix with LSE Attributes ---------- n_graphs_ : int Number of graphs n_vertices_ : int Number of vertices in each graph latent_left_ : array, shape (n_graphs, n_vertices, n_components) Estimated left latent positions of the graph. latent_right_ : array, shape (n_graphs, n_vertices, n_components), or None Only computed when the graph is directed, or adjacency matrix is asymmetric. Estimated right latent positions of the graph. Otherwise, None. singular_values_ : array, shape (n_components) Singular values associated with the latent position matrices. See Also -------- graspologic.embed.select_svd graspologic.embed.select_dimension References ---------- .. [1] Levin, K., Athreya, A., Tang, M., Lyzinski, V., & Priebe, C. E. (2017, November). A central limit theorem for an omnibus embedding of multiple random dot product graphs. In Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), 2017 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 964-967). IEEE. """
[docs] def __init__( self, n_components: Optional[int] = None, n_elbows: Optional[int] = 2, algorithm: SvdAlgorithmType = "randomized", n_iter: int = 5, check_lcc: bool = True, diag_aug: bool = True, concat: bool = False, svd_seed: Optional[int] = None, lse: bool = False, ): super().__init__( n_components=n_components, n_elbows=n_elbows, algorithm=algorithm, n_iter=n_iter, check_lcc=check_lcc, diag_aug=diag_aug, concat=concat, svd_seed=svd_seed, ) self.lse = lse
[docs] def fit(self, graphs, y=None): # type: ignore """ Fit the model with graphs. Parameters ---------- graphs : list of nx.Graph or ndarray, or csr_array If list of nx.Graph, each Graph must contain same number of nodes. If list of ndarray, each array must have shape (n_vertices, n_vertices). If ndarray, then array must have shape (n_graphs, n_vertices, n_vertices). Returns ------- self : object Returns an instance of self. """ graphs = self._check_input_graphs(graphs) # Check if Abar is connected if self.check_lcc: if not is_fully_connected(average_matrices(graphs)): msg = ( "Input graphs are not fully connected. Results may not" + "be optimal. You can compute the largest connected component by" + "using ``graspologic.utils.multigraph_lcc_union``." ) warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning) # Diag augment if self.diag_aug: graphs = self._diag_aug(graphs) # Laplacian transform if self.lse: graphs = _get_laplacian_matrices(graphs) # Create omni matrix omni_matrix = _get_omni_matrix(graphs) # Embed self._reduce_dim(omni_matrix) # Reshape to tensor self.latent_left_ = self.latent_left_.reshape( self.n_graphs_, self.n_vertices_, -1 ) if self.latent_right_ is not None: self.latent_right_ = self.latent_right_.reshape( self.n_graphs_, self.n_vertices_, -1 ) return self
[docs] def fit_transform(self, graphs, y=None): # type: ignore """ Fit the model with graphs and apply the embedding on graphs. n_components is either automatically determined or based on user input. Parameters ---------- graphs : list of nx.Graph or ndarray, or ndarray If list of nx.Graph, each Graph must contain same number of nodes. If list of ndarray, each array must have shape (n_vertices, n_vertices). If ndarray, then array must have shape (n_graphs, n_vertices, n_vertices). Returns ------- out : np.ndarray or length 2 tuple of np.ndarray. If input graphs were symmetric, ndarray of shape (n_graphs, n_vertices, n_components). If graphs were directed and ``concat`` is False, returns tuple of two arrays (same shape as above). The first corresponds to the left latent positions, and the second to the right latent positions. If graphs were directed and ``concat`` is True, left and right (out and in) latent positions are concatenated. In this case one tensor of shape (n_graphs, n_vertices, 2*n_components) is returned. """ return self._fit_transform(graphs)